“Make no small plans, for they have no magic to stir man’s blood.” Daniel Burnham
Before we get going with (Part 6) catch up on this writing series below if needed.
A Message to Fellow Dreamers (Part 1)
A Message to Fellow Dreamers (Part 2)
A Message to Fellow Dreamers (Part 3)
A Message to Fellow Dreamers (Part 4)
A Message to Fellow Dreamers (Part 5)
We get this one shot at life, why not go big and chase that dream? If we try and fail, we will have at least made the effort. If we try and fail, we will have at least fulfilled that desire that’s welling up inside saying you were meant for more. If we try and fail, we gain new insights; we learn and grow.
If we fail to try, we’ll spend the rest of our lives wondering what could have been.
The incredible thing about chasing a dream is it brings out our most courageous selves, a version that says, “I’m going all in on the future and betting it all on the only thing I have sovereign control over on this planet, me.”
You are your most valuable asset, the only instrument with which to navigate this world. May as well take a bet on you.
Once you have succeeded in life, you have the formula, and it’s easy to duplicate. Yes, the times change, but much of life repeats itself, so after you’ve successfully launched your luxury dog boarding business, you can, with a fair bit of confidence and your 100% success rate, do it again, or show someone how to do it, or expand your territory.
I mention this because the first leap of faith is the hardest. It’s the scariest, but it is also the most rewarding because it proves you can do it or at least wipes out the regret of not taking the leap.
“The price of our vitality is the sum of all our fears.” David Whyte
Once I’d published my first book, I’d been bitten and had to write more. I released my 2nd book, a novel about a young Iraq war veteran turned police officer.
I wrote and published this within a year of my first book. This goes back to what I mentioned earlier: once you have the formula, you can repeat success.
I wrote my third book, All My Best, and released it within a year of my second. Here are some pictures from the shenanigans.
I’d found what brings me alive. Have you? I constantly revisit quotes I’ve unearthed to help inspire me on my journey. I’m sharing the below again because I think it’s imperative to living a fulfilled life.
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Gil Bailie
We’re now at a pivotal point in life, it’s called the present, and it’s really all we ever have, but most of us never seize it. How will you seize it?
One thing that’s really simple but profound is the idea that we can never grow if we don’t change, so how will you change and grow?
At the very outset of this writing series, I offered my first suggestion, which was BEGIN TODAY.
Your start doesn’t have to be a moonshot. It could be something as simple as stating what you will do in writing and hanging it over your desk.
Wrapping up: my next few books came within a year of the last. I had the formula and found what I loved. I still love it, evidenced by this writing.
I’ll leave you with a few more pictures from my journey so you can use them as fuel to begin yours.