“The frontier of actual meeting between what we call a self and what we call the world is the only place, actually, where things are real.” David Whyte
All of our experiences and genetics and training and desires explode onto the frontier of today, the present, the only reality there is.
The words from poet David Whyte remind us that the now, an ongoing meeting between the self and the world, is that which matters most. Without the present, life would not exist, but many people try to escape the gift that is the here and now. They dwell in the past or future, trading in the only time we can act upon.
Everything you have strived for and endured through is useful, but it can only be turned into something meaningful today. Why? Because the present is the only time we truly have.
Today is the exit from our past and the doorway to our future.
We should also understand the present is ruthless. It often slips away leaving regret and faint memories as the only evidence it existed.
However, the promise of the present is that it gives to us proportionally based on our intentional focus and action. So, what will you do with the gift of today?
“The frontier of actual meeting between what we call a self and what we call the world is the only place, actually, where things are real.”
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