“Superheroes and saints never make art. Only imperfect beings can make art because art begins in what is broken.” Kevin Kelly
Have you noticed that when you share about something that’s broken in your life, it removes barriers and helps others relate to you?
What a liberating idea that our brokenness can be used to create something beautiful. Every life, and every story, at least the good ones, have brokenness in them. It’s the point in a movie or novel referred to as the all-is-lost moment.
It’s when the main character questions if he or she can go on any further.
The all-is-lost moment is a reflection of humanity; most people get to a similar point in life and wonder how they will go on. This is our place of brokenness; it’s often where our imperfections show up or when our missteps have led us down the wrong path, and sometimes it’s just a case of terrible luck colliding into our life.
But, our Pont of Brokeness or all-is-lost moment has the potential to inspire our greatest works of art. We can use our imperfect lives to relate to others. Why? Because we all struggle. We’re all flawed, and perfection is illusory.
We can use what’s broken in our lives to tell our greatest story, paint our great masterpiece, or write our song that goes on to become a melody to the masses. Don’t let the potential in your brokenness be passed over. Use it for inspiration.
After all, do superheroes and saints really exist? If so, they’re not making art.
Take comfort in knowing, only imperfect beings can make art because art begins in what’s broken.
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