“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” George Bernard Shaw
Have you ever felt stuck? Have you ever looked at your situation and wondered why your job, relationship, or finances aren’t progressing?
Doing the same things usually bears the same results. A farmer who plants corn can expect the same crop, year after year, until there’s a change in the seed.
As life goes on, we tend to get stuck in our ways. Our beliefs solidify, our routines harden, and we experience a plateau, a state of little or no change after a time of activity or progress, and then we wonder why.
We often fail to realize the world gives us what we are.
The answer to stagnation in life is change. If we want to produce something other than a standard crop, we should plant a different seed.
The best way to experience progress in life is to challenge our thinking; this can lead to a change in who we are.
Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
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