"Don't be the best. Be the only." Kevin Kelly
How can we be the only instead of the best? The answer is inside you and all over you because the answer is you. Each of us is born like no other, and oftentimes we go decades, sometimes a lifetime, missing our greatest strength—our uniqueness.
When we finally accept we can be who we are, we realize an internal freedom that’s truly a gift. Then, and only then, can we focus on making ourselves a little better each day. This is the path to becoming truly remarkable. This is the path to becoming not the best but the only.
So how do we begin the journey of becoming the only? First, we accept ourselves as we are today and believe we are worthy of investment. Then we take action by investing in ourselves to become a little better each day.
Life is paradoxically an inside-out job. Our surroundings, relationships, and happiness will be a reflection of who we are.
Life returns to us what we are.
This is why focusing on what we are not is futile. To borrow from the Proverbs, it’s like grasping for the wind.
The world and everyone around us will benefit from our uniqueness when we embrace it. You were created one-of-a-kind for a purpose. So remember, don’t be the best. Be the only.
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