“If you want to fly, you have to give up everything that weighs you down.” Toni Morrison
What weighs you down? Stop and think about this question for a moment. What did you go to sleep last night fretting? What did you wake up this morning mulling through your thoughts?
Maybe the question is not what but who? Who is stealing your peace? Who’s voice is running through your mind causing you anxiety? Is it a talking head from the nightly news? Get rid of him. Is it your mother-in-law? Cut her loose. Or, is it your voice? If so, find a way to replace it.
We carry around thoughts, voices, and debts—an accumulation of relationships, past regrets, and fears of the future—that subtract from our lives. This is what weighs us down; it’s the baggage we choose to carry.
Why do we carry this? Usually, it’s because we care. Caring is a wonderful thing until it’s not, and knowing when to draw the line is the toughest part.
At some point, we should consider breaking the chains, cutting the ties, and even removing a relationship or two, so that we can lay down those things that weigh us down.
This is not cold or uncaring. It’s necessary. It’s an act of strength. We will never be able to grab onto what’s available if we are carrying around baggage that doesn’t belong to us.
If you want to fly, you have to give up everything that weighs you down.
I’ve been writing, recording, and sharing these bits of wisdom with the world for more than six months now. Have they made a positive impact on your life? If so, share them with someone else who might benefit from them.
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